Michael Berndonner
M.A., University of Regensburg, Master in Rhetorics and Speech Communication
B.Sc. FH, University of Applied Sciences FHGR Chur, Business Administration, Major in Marketing and Communication Design
Dipl.Betr.Oec. FH, University of Applied Sciences FHGR Chur, Business Administration
CAS University Didactics, University of St. Gallen HSG
CAS Crisis Communication and Conflict Management, University of Applied Sciences ZHAW Zurich
Coaching & seminars
Public speaking and presentations with and without media
Communication procedures within teams and organisations
Moderation und coaching in conflict-management and conflict-resolution
Moderation and coaching in crisis-management
Rhetorical arts of cooperation
Individual coachings with executives
Trainer und coach of team processes
Outdoor-experience and resilience-skills
Father of 6 children
LTCol Swiss Army
UN Military Observer, Chief Operations Officer
Yacht-Skipper, experience of atlantic-crossings
Experienced mountaineer and climber